
Princess Leia
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 02/02/2020
Time of Birth: 2:16 pm
Color: Yellow
Weight: 14.1 0z

Luke Skywalker
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 02/02/2020
Time of Birth: 3:39 pm
Color: Yellow
Weight: 1.04 Lbs

Obi Wan
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 02/02/2020
Time of Birth: 5:14 pm
Color: Yellow
Weight: 12.3 0z

Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 02/02/2020
Time of Birth: 6:19 pm
Color: Black
Weight: 11.9 0z

Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 02/02/2020
Time of Birth: 11:51 pm
Color: Black
Weight: 13.4 0z

Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 02/02/2020
Time of Birth: 3:16
Color: Black
Weight: 14.8 oz

Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 02/02/2020
Time of Birth: 4:52 pm
Color: Yellow
Weight: 11.9 0z

Han Solo
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 02/02/2020
Time of Birth: 5:44 pm
Color: Black
Weight: 14.0 0z

Darth Vader
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 02/02/2020
Time of Birth: 6:56 pm
Color: Black
Weight: 14.4 0z

Kylo Ren
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 02/03/2020
Time of Birth: 4:17 am
Color: Yellow
Weight: 13.3 0z
All of the puppies weights that are listed are from the time of birth. To get more recent information on the puppies weight contact us by email or phone.
*All names are fillers and used to identify them. Names are not permanent and can be changed when you buy the puppy